Veragua Rainforest Lodge

The Veragua Rainforest Foundation was initially started as a scientific endeavor committed to the protection of different species of flora and fauna. This critical 3,400-acre habitat in the rainforest of eastern Costa Rica required funding from outside groups, and the Lodge now provides day tours from large cruise ships docking in Limon. These tours are generally a few hours in duration, and overnight stays are not advertised. There are, however, small rooms available for researchers. With advance notice, the lodge may accept birders or natural history students for short overnight stays. Ideally, birders would be seeking to find a calendar date when no tour groups are scheduled.

The property itself is pristine habitat for some special birds. Almost immediately on our arrival, the on-site guide alerted us to a Great Jacamar perched in a branch a few feet from the trail. Very little is known about this species, and the guides there are unsure of how many these birds reside on the property.  A large tree with a resident pair of Bat Falcons was just outside our sleeping quarters, and in the same area, a Bare-necked Umbrellabird made a splash the following morning. On our short stay, we also saw Double-toothed Kite, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, and Ocellated Antbird as well as other birds.

There is a tram on-site that goes down to a trail bordering a stream. Raptors are occasionally viewed from the tram car, and the trail below can be productive for birds. 

Meals can be arranged in advance in most cases, and good internet is available in some rooms. The ebird list for the area is linked below.

Bar Chart for Veragua Rainfores Lodge - Bar Charts - eBird 

Great Jacamar - Johan Chavez

Rainforest - Johan Chavez